Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Welcome to my Blog....

Well, I did it. I finally figured out how to do this blogging thing. I am very happy because I think this will be a great place to share some articles, insights and tips on a subject very important to me; toxins. You know, I admit, I was pretty naiive thinking I was unaffected by them. I live on the beaches of Florida. I am in my 30's. I am happy with children, married many years... surely toxins are for people in the city, for older folks, for other folks, just not for me. Well, all that changed about 3 years ago when my "sister" only 36 years old, died from a rare form of cancer that I believe was brought by toxins. So I started researching and found that 1 in 2 men, and 1 in 3 women will develop cancer before the age of 65, according to MD Anderson, and that 2/3rds of cancers are caused by toxins and are preventable.

We cried and suffered when Cynthia died. She had two daughters, and a family of friends that loved her. The pain I saw her go through, well, don't think for a minute I would do anything to turn back time.

I found many articles which I will post here about Toxins, and give you some hints on how to get rid of them. Cleansing is always good, whether your home, body, blood, colon, liver, whatever. Do it. I don't care how or what products you use (ok, I do but that is for another entry), but as long as you recognize the damage that toxins do, that is half the battle. Don't make the same mistake I did in being naiive.... toxins are everywhere and affect everyone. They are in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink.

Now while I will search for articles about toxins, I wanted to also help provide a solution too. There are many great products to detox with, but the one that I found is the best is Waiora's Natural Cellular Defense. The testimonials are outstanding, and the product works fast. It did for me. I had surgery this past summer and was having a really hard time with the drugs afterwards, the anesthesia was really hard. After one day on this product, my energy came back and it really felt like the black cloud had lifted. It is an amazing product. You can find out more at .

Take care,

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